Where are you in the different levels of wealth? Struggling to pay bills? Doing well in your job, but are married to the job, and without free time? Or living the life of your dreams, working in an area you love, with passive income streams paying for your lifestyle?
Some people never get beyond a downward struggle with money. Born into limited financial means, they never learn how to change the messages they received, regarding money, from their poor parents.
Still others, who work all the time, who can and do buy nice things, still feel that are on a treadmill, constantly working, rather than actually getting ahead. They wonder, I work all the time, and yet I have no money! How can this possibly be?
Some are burned out from a professional choice that did not become the life they wanted. Many people find that after having worked for many years, that the profession that they chose has a happiness limit, and a financial limit, that does not allow for an easy escape. Finding that getting a college degree did not translate into the financial success that they thought it would, they realize retirement is looming closer and limited finances could be their future.
It can be frustrating to see other people having beautiful things — cars, clothes, houses, travel — and especially, the free time to enjoy all of those things — but yet, not have those things yourself, even after years of working.
So, what is the answer?
The answer is to learn the laws of money; step by step. Money has a certain pattern in the way that it works. You can learn a version of this pattern that is exactly right for you. MoneyStepbyStep.com is about discovering that future in a methodical fashion, starting with career and going all the way to passive investments, so that you have a choice in whether or not to work, in a step by step fashion.
In fact, there is a way to discover the right kind of work for you, so that working is a pleasure to you. There is a path to developing the right habits to keep your income, and redirect your time, so that you slowly start becoming more financially stable, and self directed toward your goals. There is a way for you to become a homeowner, with a fixed mortgage, which will stabilize your living costs. There is a means to understanding the stock market, so you can participate in the national, and the international, economy.
You can learn to find or create investments, based on your ideas, that will become your money source. You will learn how to focus, NOT on getting income through a job, but rather through passive income, for which you did not have to get up and go to work. A job can be taken away from you at any time. But passive income can be forever, and without a boss.
All of this is within reach for you. Happiness and personal progress is for everyone, and that includes you, too. But you must have a firm determination and the willingness to do what it takes to succeed. If that sounds like you, click onto the any of the links below or simply, read on to the next post.
Below is the Chart for the Twelve Fundamental Steps to Wealth, which describe the wealth habits that you must learn, before you can become a truly experienced investor. The Chart can be read in the order presented. But the Jump Bar below, at the top right of the page, will allow you to jump around to a specific topic, at any time.
This will be will be the first step you take in creating a life, rich in fortune and opportunity. Chart a course for your future. Begin today.