The First Great Step of Wealth: Your daily industry is what will make your wealthy.  You must have an occupation where you earn a steady income. Benjamin Franklin, “The Way to Wealth”, (1758).

You may rightfully say, “Wait, this is no secret – everyone knows that they need an occupation where you earn income.” No, the first real step toward wealth is to find the kind of work that is a natural fit for you. Your daily industry should reflect your top three natural talents. If you can find work that uses your natural advantages, you are on your way to becoming a millionaire.

If you are already doing work that you are happy to do, and you like your occupation well enough to keep doing it, lucky you! Keep that situation going! Jump directly to Step Number Three, of Money Fundamentals, because you have already mastered the idea of finding the right work.

However, if you find your work naturally difficult, then you must address the issue of your daily industry before all others. This one is on you; no one else. A large component of being poor is when you believe that you have no options.  When all of your time, money, and energy, go into doing something that does not feel like a natural fit, life can feel very poor indeed.

There is a crucial difference between disliking your current job and disliking the actual work. If you like the work, but not the job, then switch jobs and find something more suitable to your current circumstances. But if you are doing work that is naturally hard for you, or that your work is no longer a good fit for the person you grew into, then you must begin the process of finding work that is suited to your basic talents and strengths.

Your daily industry is what will make you wealthy.  You must have an occupation where you earn a steady income.

Benjamin Franklin, “The Way to Wealth”, (1758).

Obviously, you cannot drop everything and start a new occupation, because you already have a life and bills to pay. But real fortunes are made slowly, not quickly. So many books suggest that you follow your passion. But passion can wilt if you make no money at your passion. The better move is to analyze your natural strengths and talents, and then evolve toward the work that allows you to utilize those personal assets.

Ask yourself; “What am a naturally good at? What always comes easy to me and makes me feel good about myself? What basic attributes do I have that people always have a ready compliment for me? And then begin searching in earnest, for the types of work that utilize your basic strengths, talents and the parts of your background, that are pleasing to you.

You do not have to tell anyone about this. But you have to tell you. Ask yourself, what kind of work is a natural match for me? Think of all your best attributes, and begin to design a working life that uses the assets that are most naturally a strength for you.

Read the next post for a few tools that may help you find your natural work match.

And…read the book, “The Way to Wealth” under Recommended Reading below. This is a great book about money, and it’s short! Old Ben says it all, better, faster, and with more finesse, than anyone else. I glance at this little book all the time, and always get a good reminder or two.

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